We are delighted to send off Kellan Chwojko-Frank for the upcoming Bronco Challenge Cup at Kalamazoo, this November 3-5! Kellan will take part in the solo free dance and Excel free skating events at this intercollegiate competition.
Like many of the skaters at our club, Kellan has developed a deep passion for the sport. She shares, “I most enjoy performing as a figure skater. I never get over the excitement, thrill, pride that comes with performing a program I am proud of. Embodying and emoting a piece of music and connecting that to an audience is one of the parts to skating that I love.”
As a student balancing a college course load while training for competition, Kellan advises, “There will come a moment when being a student athlete where school must come first, but having a moment on the ice to step away from studies and skate can help reset and relax my mind before studying further. I always end up having either exams, projects, or assignment due while I’m traveling for competition. Being flexible in studying while in busy areas or in little sections in-between events is an important skill to not fall behind while missing school for competitions. Speaking to your coach and being honest about your workload has also been a great help in recent years, that way my coach knows why I might not have time to practice was much as previous weeks, or need to spend more time studying one week but can skate more the next.”
Each of our journeys through pursuits like figure skating are filled with unique joys, and troubles that obscure the way forward. At times, it can be difficult to keep working toward our goals, and Kellan states, “Having teammates and friends struggling and succeeding through it all along side me helps remind me I’m not alone in feeling overwhelmed sometimes. The joy on my teammates faces when I skate well or land a jump as well my pride in them when they have a good skate keeps my passion for skating going. I believe my passion for skating will never go away, but it is alright to have bad days and be frustrated with skating for a moment. Remembering the positives and fun memories I have of skating always helps.”